It all began in 2014. I was a 21-year-old entrepreneur with a passion for the food industry. While traveling back and forth solo from Phoenix to New York City, I explored different bakeries in search of the best cookie. I also fell in love with food trucks; it only made sense to combine the two!
I purchased an old UPS truck and completely remodeled it into the Hot Cookie Truck. We served hot cookies and ice cream throughout Arizona. We actually had to tow the truck to our first event and took orders while a mechanic was under the hood fixing it. We sold 300 cookies in 4 hours, and SOLD OUT! After our first event, Hot Cookie became an overnight success! We grew to thousands of followers on social media and people were OBSESSED with our cookies. Countless memories were made, and every family member and close friend played a role.
Sadly in 2021, the truck had an engine fire. Luckily, the driver was safe, but I lost the truck and closed the business. I moved to the Upper West Side of NYC next to the best bakeries in the country to expand my contacts and experience in the food industry.
After moving back to AZ, marrying my wife, Averie, and having a baby, it's time to revive my first baby, Hot Cookie. We are back in business!